The terrible 2's are here in full force. Whining and crying for no reason is a daily occurance. Kate is still cute despite the temper tantrums, though. She is very into the "Little People" characters from Fisher-Price, and wants to watch the DVDs every day. Last night I let her bring the figurines to bed and when I picked her up from the crib in the morning, I found out she had stuffed all 4 "Little People" into her pajamas and slept that way all night long.
Last weekend we visited the Leesburg Animal Park, and she got to play with sheep, a donkey, and baby goats. She also saw geese, bunnies, lhamas, cows, horses, and surprisingly also a pair of lemurs that seemed very out of place. When it was time for a pony ride - which I thought would be the highlight of the day - she refused to go because she wanted the black pony, and the only one available was the brown pony (more tantrum). All in all it was a great day, and we brought back fond memories, cute photos, and a lot of cow poop stuck on the soles of her shoes.
:: Jade @ 8:55 PM