day-to-day pregnancy

[ Friday, June 24, 2011 ]

Kitty graduated kindergarten today. It was a very emotional morning. She really enjoyed the year and became very attached to her friends and teachers. It was great to see the whole class perform a modified version of "New York, New York" ("I want to be a part of it... first grade, first grade"). Her teacher presented awards, and Kitty received a diploma look-alike that gives her the "Cat Award" for her passion for all things feline. Very cute. Along with the diploma we received her scorecard. Once again her reading skills blew the benchmark away, even topping her earlier January scores. She scored 102 points for reading (benchmark is 28), and 96 out of 100 for math (a small decrease from her perfect January score). She is reading at 3rd/4th grade level now.

[ Thursday, June 16, 2011 ]

It's been such a long time, but we are so busy now that it doesn't feel that way. Since the last post, Kitty developed "shark's teeth" when two permanent lower teeth came out behind the baby teeth. Since the baby teeth wouldn't fall out on their own, the dentist had to pull them. I was horrified by the idea but it turned out to be relatively easy. Kitty had a quick one-day down time, and was already back in the school the next day.

She spent Easter in Texas with the grandparents, and already has a beach trip planned with them for the summer. It's hard to believe she graduates kindergarten next week. Her reading has continued to evolve rapidly and she easily reads 3rd grade books on her own. This week she got her own library card.

A couple of months ago I got an iPad tablet, and she has taken it over. In addition to a number of books, she has several games that she figured out entirely on her own. Her favorite is Tiny Zoo, a sim game that also has Jeff completely addicted. Her ease with technology continues to amaze me.