day-to-day pregnancy

[ Sunday, January 17, 2010 ]

Kate got her ears pierced today. She had asked off and on for several months, but we were concerned about her ability to withstand the pain. Today I finally relented, and off to the mall we went. She picked out her earrings, a pair of tiny crystals in the color of her birthstone. Then she sat on the stool and smiled as the woman approached her with the little tool they use these days. One second later she was struggling not to cry. She just whispered "Mommy, it hurt!" and I held her hands. Then the other ear was pierced and she cried softly for about 10 seconds. By the time I got her down from the stool, she had stopped crying and promptly chose her "comfort gifts", a plastic necklace and blue fairy wings. The woman at the store said "I've seen adults cry more. She is really good!". And here is the photo to prove it, taken just a couple of minutes later.

[ Monday, January 11, 2010 ]

Holiday season is a hectic time and 2009 was even busier than usual. Kate enjoyed Christmas (of course), showing great interest in decorations and holiday songs, particularly "All I Want From Christmas". She sang it so often and with such gusto, I could hear it in my head for days and days afterward. She received an astonishing number of gifts and probably doesn't even remember half of them anymore. Her favorite at my house was a stuffed Marie that purrs and meows when brushed. We had Christmas Eve dinner at our house, went to Grandmother Natalie and Grandfather Jim's house for lunch the following day, and ended Christmas with a wonderful dinner at Gigi and Granddad's condo. On New Year's Eve we stayed home, avoiding sub-freezing temperatures and a steady rain. On New Year's day, we had friends and family over and offered a kaiseki (Japanese banquet) with several elaborate delicacies that we enjoyed over our many trips to Japan. It was a tremendous effort and quite a culinary accomplishment for me and Jeff. Kate got a pair of training chopsticks and is doing really well with them. She continues to love Japanese food, particularly miso soup, broiled eel and raw salmon. We may have started a new holiday tradition.